How can you contribute?
If you have made it this far, you may be thinking you could benefit by joining our community. If you do apply, we’ll want to know how you will be able to contribute to the lives of our members.
Some prospective members like what they have seen so far but have concerns about their ability to make meaningful contributions within CADRE.
We are not concerned with exactly how you contribute—only that you bring something of value to the table.
To help determine whether this would be an issue for you, here are a few questions to ask yourself, based on how our members create value for one another:
- Do you have experience and knowledge in your field that you’d be willing to share with other members?
- Are you well-connected and considered a go-to resource within your network, which would enable you to make win/win connections between your network and CADRE members?
- Are you someone who loves being a connector and contributing to the success of others?
- Do you have upcoming challenges or opportunities of your own? If so, there’s a good chance you’ll engage CADRE members to help you address them.
- Are you willing to share your life experiences openly and authentically with others?
We invite you to complete our application if you believe you could benefit as a member and contribute tangible value to others in the community.
DMV residents: a one-time investment of $3,000 and then $499/month.
Virtual membership (non-DMV residents): a one-time investment of $1,500 and then $349/month.
Our members consider the cost trivial compared to the value that they receive. If this amount sounds like a lot, then the financial pressure will likely detract from your ability to benefit from and contribute to others.
Our fee structure is month-to-month, so you can discontinue your membership if you ever feel you are no longer getting value by participating (and it gives us the flexibility to ask non-committed members to reconsider their decision to remain active). This ensures the community always consists only of those who share our member’s commitment and focus.
If you would like to be considered for membership, please complete this brief application, and we will be in touch.