Our YOUniversity events bring together our entire membership (and their guests) to learn from bestselling authors and international thought leaders.
In the past we’ve hosted Daniel Pink, Gary Vaynerchuk, JJ Virgin, Seth Godin, Adam Grant, and Sally Hogshead, just to name a few.
The first half of these experiences is dedicated to learning from some of the brightest minds in the world, and the second half is dedicated to developing and deepening relationships with fellow CADRE’ers in the form of “un-networking.”
All of our remarkable members are experts in one way or another. With these presentations, they offer to share their knowledge and expertise on a particular topic with the community. We have no shortage of top CEOs, bestselling authors, and keynote speakers, covering dozens of industries, so the peer learning is second to none.
"In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
*As a member, you and your team will have access to our extensive video library full of evergreen content from every past YOUniversity speaker and member-led presentation (over 100 presentations).